
E Line Orthodontics
- All staff will be screened before every shift begins. Temperature with IR (infrared) Thermometer is taken.
- Covid-19 Questionnaire are answered and signed (Questionnaire taken from TDA website)
- All staff arrive to work in civilian attire and change into scrubs once screened and eligible to begin shift.
- After shift, all staff change out of scrubs and into civilian attire.
- Scrubs are placed in plastic bag and immediately taken home to be placed in the washer.
- Strict adherence to hand hygiene including: washing hands before and after having contact with a patient, or contaminated surfaces and after removing PPE.
- All staff will wear face masks rated BFE 99.5, PFE 99.7% at 0.1 Micron and face shields as soon as they become available.
In case a staff member has symptoms
- Staff members must report any and all symptoms (including but not limited to fever and respiratory symptoms) as soon as possible to Dr. Chang. He will determine whether medical evaluation is necessary based on CDC interim risk assessment guideline. ( guidance-risk-assesment-hcp.html)
- If symptoms arise during shift, staff members will be immediately referred to their primary health care physician and asked to leave the workplace while maintaining their mask on.
- In the case of a staff member test positive for COVID-19, said staff member will not be allowed to return to work until either:
- Staff members have received 2 negative results with more than 24 hours apart.
- More than 3 days have passed since recovery ( defined as resolution of fever without fever-reducing medication and improvement of respiratory symptoms
- At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared.
- Patients will be screened via telephone before appointments are made by being asked to take temperature at home and answer questionnaire provided by the TDA.
- Only 2 patients at a time are being seen in our office.
- Patients are scheduled to arrive at different times in order to keep from meeting up at the door while they are being screened to allow entry to the office.
- No one is permitted to wait in the lobby
- Patients below the age of 18 and patients with disability are permitted to have one parent as a companion. Over the age of 18, all companions are asked to wait in their vehicles.
- If the situation arises in which 2 patients are still being treated and the next patient arrives, they are asked to wait in their vehicle until one of the patients are finished and gone.
- Patients are being scheduled for longer appointment times than usual to give our staff the alloted time to clean, disinfect and sanitize any and all instruments, chair, lights, table tops, computer, teeth brushing station, restroom, doors and high touch surfaces as well as give our staff time to change all PPE.
- All patients are required to maintain 6ft from each other and if possible from any personel that is not directly working on the patient. Distance between dental chairs has been set to 12 ft.
- Patients are asked to rinse for one minute with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide mouthwash before being sat in the dental chair.
- Both the restroom and teeth brushing station are cleaned before and after each patient.
- All patients are required to wear masks in the office.
- Hand sanitizer containing 70% ethyl alcohol had been made available throughout the office.